Article 1114

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Salomatin Aleksey Yur'evich, Doctor of historical sciences, doctor of juridical sciences, professor, head of sub-department of state and law theory and political science, director of the center for comparative legal policy, Penza State University (40 Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia),

Index UDK



Background. Theory of Modernization is the most important innovation in Social Sciences in the late 50 years. But in spite of numerous versions of this theory all of them lack showing technology of the process. Thus it’s extremely urgent to demonstrate links between different spheres of society and stages of the modernization
Materials and methods. The research was based upon the logic of the historical process and statistics. Knowledge about the dynamics of the Industrial Revolution was substantiated by the understanding of the moving forces of modernization. 
Results. It is claimed that mechanization was followed the Communication Revolution, the Finance and Banking Revolution. Social and geographic mobility was intensified. Simultaneously modernization of the state mechanism led to strengthening of the political life, formation of the civil society and modernization of the law. Creation of the Legal State based upon strict observance of the law was a final step in the whole process.
Conclusions. Discovering of the modernization mechanism is the key element in the modernization theory. In future it will permit to formulate the peculiarities (or models) of the modernization based upon some of its common features.

Key words

modernization, mechanization, communication revolution, finance and banking revolution, social and geographic mobility, modernization of state mechanism, strengthening of political life, formation of civil society, modernization of law, creation of legal state.

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Дата создания: 26.09.2014 08:29
Дата обновления: 26.09.2014 12:00